Custom Truck Bodies
Design & Fabrication
Master Truck Builders
Since 1975
We Build Commercial, Municipal, and Specialty Trucks
T Sanchez Ltd installs dump bodies, hook loaders, spreaders, plows, tarp systems, and much more. We’ll build and custom-fabricate just about anything you need to keep you on the road and on the job. We also install parts and repair your equipment whenever you need us.
To Your Specifications
Dump Bodies
Every T Sanchez Ltd truck body delivers reliable performance, premium quality components and rugged construction. We build it right.
We offer a large range of dump bodies with a truck load of options. These are the machines that has made T Sanchez Trucks legendary.

Heavy Haul Tractors
Every heavy haul tractor we build is custom designed with your work in mind. You can expect excellence in the design and configuration you need to get the job done every day.
Hooklift Systems
We build custom truck bodies with Hooklift systems designed to pick up, dump, transport, and unload containers from 5,000 to 65,000
We install a wide selection of hookloaders designed for many different applications with easy pick-up and drop-off.

Interchangeable and flexible, the Switch-N-go truck body system was designed to give you the vehicle you need. With one single chassis you can change between various work bodies, including: dump, container, dropbox, chipper, platform, flatbed, storage bodies and service bodies.
Custom Service Bodies
We build custom truck bodies with Hooklift systems designed to pick up, dump, transport and unload containers from 5,000 to 65,000 pounds.
The service bodies we customize include enclosed bodies, crane bodies, and tire trucks, with a large variety of service body options.

We can help you design the truck you want.
We design, build, and fabricate truck equipment from all the major manufacturers and suppliers. We also carry out frame adjustments, repairs, scheduled services, and painting services.