Heavy Haul Tractors
Unmatched Efficiency
Best in Class Life Span

Custom Steel Fenders
Our beautiful custom steel fenders are designed to fit your specifications. Choose between smooth or diamond plate fenders.
- Smooth or Diamond Plate
- Tandem or Triaxle Fenders
- Full Fenders
- Half Fenders
- Built to Customer Specifications
Custom Stainless-Steel Fenders
- Tandem or Triaxle Fenders
- Built to Customers Specifications
- Full Fenders
- Half Fenders
- Quarter Fenders
- Single Wheel Full Radius Fenders
- Polished Fenders
- Mill Finished Fenders

Custom Aluminum Fenders
- Smooth or Diamond Plate
- Tandem or Triaxle Fenders
- Built to Customer’s Specifications
- Full Fenders
- Half Fenders
- Quarter Fenders
- Single Wheel Radius Fenders
- Polished Fenders
- Mill Finished Fenders
Heavy Haul Tractor Options
- Custom Headache Racks
- Custom Deck Plates
- Stinger Plates
- Pintle Plates
- Light bars
- Strobe Lights
- LED Work Lights
- Toolboxes